Chairman's News

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July 2018
acrobat071618 Wyden Letter to AG Sessions on Commerce Sec Ross Referral
June 2018
acrobat062218 Wyden Letter to Commerce Sec Ross on OGE Report
May 2018
acrobat051818 Wyden Letter to Trump Admin on Drugs and Trade
acrobat020218 Wyden Letter to NRA on Foreign Contributions
acrobat050318 Wyden Letter to FEC on NRA Transmittal
April 2018
acrobat041018 NRA Response Letter to Wyden on Foreign Funding
March 2018
acrobat032718 Wyden Letter to NRA on Foreign-Funded Accounts
acrobatMarch 19 Wyden NRA Response
acrobat021318 Wyden Davis Letter to HHS Sec Azar on AFCARS Delay
February 2018
acrobat022718 Wyden Murray Letter to Aetna on Claims Review Process
acrobat021418 Wyden Letter to HHS Sec Azar on Medicaid Freedom of Choice
January 2018
acrobat011918 Wyden Letter to HHS Counsel Charrow on Seema Verma Ethics Agreements
acrobat011818 Wyden Letter to HHS Gen Counsel Charrow on Seema Verma Ethics Agreements
acrobat011818 Wyden Senate Democrats Letter to Acting HHS Dept Sec Hargan on Medicaid Waiver Authority
December 2017
acrobat120517 Wyden Letter to Treasury IG Thorson on Economic Analysis of Republican Tax Plan
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