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Table for Letters
Date News Item
January 2020
acrobat020320 Wyden Letter to AG Barr RE Halkbank Interference
acrobat011620 International Regs Letter to OMB and Treasury
acrobat011620 Wyden Letter to DOJ FBI RE Alexandra Chalupa
December 2019
acrobat121919 Letter to HHS opposing NPRM RIN 0991-AC16
acrobat120519 Wyden Brown Letter to FinCEN Strategic Ops
November 2019
acrobat112019 Treasury Response Letter to Wyden RE Halkbank
acrobat111819 UST Response to Wyden Opportunity Zones
acrobat111819 USTR Opportunity Zones Letter Enclosures
acrobat110419 Letter from Neal, Wyden on Opportunity Zone designations
acrobat110419 Letter from Neal, Wyden, Lewis, Booker Opportunity Zone Request
October 2019
acrobat103019 Wyden Menendez Letter to USTR RE Ukraine GSP
acrobat102919 Wyden Letter to Mnuchin RE China Trade
acrobat102919 Wyden Letter to Pompeo RE China Trade
acrobat102919 Wyden Letter to Ross RE China Trade
acrobat102919 Wyden Letter to Lighthizer RE China Trade
  of 11

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