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Table for Letters
Date News Item
December 2022
acrobat12.22.22 letter from Chairman Wyden to Stellantis NV
acrobat12.22.22 letter from Chairman Wyden to Toyota Motor North America Inc.
acrobat12.22.22 letter from Chairman Wyden to General Motors Company
acrobat12.22.22 letter from Chairman Wyden to Volkswagen Group of America Inc.
acrobat12.6.22 Letter from Chairman Wyden and Chairwoman Maloney to Secretary Blinken
acrobatLetter to POTUS on IPEF Authority FINAL 12.1.22
May 2022
acrobatUSTR Consultation and Transparency Letter 05.10.2022
April 2022
acrobat040722 Wyden Grassley Young Transplant System RFI letter
February 2022
acrobatLetter to DOL on Digital Identity 02.15.22
acrobatWyden Letter on Facial Recognition
acrobatWyden-Crapo Letter to POTUS on DMA DSA 02.01.2022
January 2022
acrobatWyden Letter to Shopoff Realty Investments
acrobatWyden Letter to Related Group Opportunity Zones
acrobatWyden Letter to PTM Partners Opportunity Zones
acrobatWyden Letter to Hatteras Sky Opportunity Zones
  of 11

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