Chairman's News

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February 2016
acrobat020516 Wyden Letter to HHS Sec Burwell on Opioid Conflicts of Interest
acrobat020419 Wyden Letter to CDC Director Frieden on Opioid Guidelines
acrobat020416 Wyden Letter to HHS Sec Burwell on Opioid Conflicts of Interest
January 2022
acrobatWyden Letter to Baker Tilly Opportunity Zones
October 2019
acrobat100819 Wyden Letter to Craig Bouchard Braidy Industries
January 2019
acrobatWyden IRS Penalties
May 2019
acrobat051619 Wyden Letter to Mnuchin on Rusal Braidy Investment
December 2017
acrobat122017 Wyden Letter to Tax Policy Assistant Sec Kautter on IRS Appointment
April 2020
acrobat041720 DOL Response to Wyden RE COVID UI Assistance
February 2020
acrobat021120 Wyden Letter to Mike Pompeo RE Ukraine Follow Up
February 2017
acrobat013117 Wyden letter to Innate CEO Wilkinson on Tom Price Nomination
April 2020
acrobat042120 Wyden Letter to Mnuchin RE Economic Impact Payment Checks Donald Trump Signature
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