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March 2017
acrobat011017 CMS Acting Admin Slavitt Letter to Wyden on Payroll Tax Medicare Solvency
acrobat030717 Wyden Stabenow Letter to Hatch Requesting Trump Tax Returns
October 2016
acrobat100516 CMS Acting Admin Slavitt Response Letter to Wyden on EpiPen Pricing
September 2016
acrobat090216 Wyden Pallone Letter to HHS Sec Burwell on EpiPens and Medicaid
June 2016
acrobat062316 Wyden Letter to Burwell regarding IPRCC
acrobat061516 Wyden Letter to Acting DEA Admin Rosenberg on Fentanyl
May 2016
acrobat052016 Wyden letter to CBP Commissioner Kerlikowske on Fentanyl
acrobat051016 Wyden letter to Wyoming Sec of State Murray on Shell Companies
acrobat051016 Wyden letter to Nevada Sec of State Cegavske on Shell Companies
March 2016
acrobatBenjamin Gerritz
February 2016
acrobat022516 Wyden Letter to Treasury Sec Lew on Terrorist Financing
acrobat020416 Wyden Letter to IRS Commissioner Koskinen on Corporate Tax Gap
acrobat020416 Wyden Letter to CDC Frieden Director on Opioids
acrobat020516 Wyden Letter to HHS Sec Burwell Opioid Conflicts
acrobat020516 Wyden Letter to HHS Sec Burwell on Opioid Conflicts of Interest
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