March 09,2023

Press Contact:

Ryan Carey

Wyden Statement on Werfel Confirmation

Washington, D.C. — Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued the following statement after the Senate confirmed Danny Werfel to serve as IRS Commissioner:

“For Mr. Werfel to get bipartisan support to lead the IRS at a time when a lot of Republicans would happily mothball the entire agency is a testament to his fairness, his ability to work with both sides and his undeniable qualification for this role. Republicans spent a decade cutting the IRS budget, and the effect was miserable customer service and rampant tax cheating by the wealthy and corporations. That’s what Democrats sought to correct when we passed additional funding for the IRS in the Inflation Reduction Act. Mr. Werfel understands that his directive is to go after wealthy tax cheats and scofflaw corporations, while improving customer service for everybody else. There have already been remarkable improvements in taxpayer service with the IRS having used only a small fraction of the funding it got in the Inflation Reduction Act, and this is shaping up to be the smoothest tax filing season in years. We’re counting on Mr. Werfel to maintain that progress.” 
