March 06,2023

Press Contact:

Keith Chu

Wyden Statement on U.S. Trade Representative Action Against Mexico Farm Goods Ban

Washington, D.C. — Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden, D-Ore., released the following statement praising the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative for taking action against Mexico’s regulations blocking certain U.S. agricultural goods:

“Today's announcement is good news for U.S. farmers, who need the United States to show it's serious about enforcing our trade deals. In January 2022 and again this January, Senator Crapo and I wrote a letter pushing USTR to hold Mexico to its commitments on agricultural biotech products under the USMCA. Today, USTR has finally taken a major step towards enforcing those commitments and ensuring that Mexico will employ science-based ag regulations that open markets for American corn and other products.”

Finance Committee leaders called on USTR in January to fully enforce the USMCA to protect American farmers and workers.
