September 02,2014

Press Contact:

Lindsey Held: 202-224-4515

Wyden Statement on the 40th Anniversary of ERISA

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued the following statement on the 40th anniversary of the Employment Retirement Income Security Act:

“Forty years ago today, President Ford signed the Employee Retirement Income Security Act into law and enshrined a new level of security for Americans in retirement. In today’s economy, workers are carrying more and more of the load in preparation for retirement. It’s time to update our pension rules to help provide greater economic security in retirement – not less. As the Finance Committee continues to work on comprehensive tax reform this fall, we will take a close look at pension and retirement rules in the tax code to make improvements wherever they’re needed. Later this month, the committee will hold hearings on retirement security that examine additional steps to help American workers save.”
