May 27,2021

Press Contact:

Keith Chu (202) 224-4515

Wyden Statement on Senate Floor on Wyden-Crapo Amendment to the Competition Bill

As Prepared for Delivery

For decades, the Chinese government has manipulated global competition and trade in their favor to grow at America’s expense.

It rips off IP, steals technology and sends dangerous counterfeits to our market. It undercuts manufacturers with overproduction and unfair subsidies. It uses censorship and discriminatory digital policies against its own populations and American businesses alike.

Worst of all is the practice of forced labor – morally repugnant on its own, and also a threat to American jobs.

Senator Crapo and I have an amendment that goes after these rip-offs directly. It’s about leveling the playing field with stronger trade rules and quicker enforcement, as well as greater transparency in trade.  More needs to be done on Chinese censorship and oppression and I will have plenty to say about that before this bill becomes law.

This has the support of members on both sides of the Finance Committee. I want to thank Senator Crapo for his partnership.

I urge support and I yield the floor.
