April 05,2024

Wyden Statement on Medicare Advantage and Part D Final Rule

Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued a statement after the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final rule related to Medicare Advantage and Part D that included a number of policy changes recommended by Wyden:

“This announcement is a big win for seniors because it strengthens protections against deceptive and high-pressure marketing practices that have been plaguing seniors. New protections include a prohibition on middlemen selling seniors’ personal information over and over again which had led to incessant marketing and phone calls to seniors, as documented by Finance Committee investigations,” Wyden said. “The final rule also includes policies I’ve pushed for to make sure MA plans provide access to mental health professionals who actually take patients – taking a step to rein in ghost networks.

“This week, the Biden Administration also took steps to strengthen Medicare for the next generation by paying Medicare Advantage an appropriate amount to meet seniors’ needs, while not undermining traditional Medicare, and allowing beneficiaries immediate access to lower-cost biosimilar prescription drugs beginning next year. In my view CMS’ actions keep MA on a more sustainable course so this program can continue to deliver on the Medicare guarantee.”
