December 23,2022

Press Contact:

Keith Chu

Wyden Statement on Extension of Trade Adjustment Assistance in Omnibus

Washington, D.C. — Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden, D-Ore., issued the following statement in reaction to the 1-year extension of Trade Adjustment Assistance, which provides training, employment assistance, and income support for workers who have lost jobs because of trade, as part of the omnibus funding bill passed by Congress today:

“You can’t build a sustainable economy without putting workers first, and Trade Adjustment Assistance is an essential part of the safety net to help workers get the skills they need,” Wyden said. “There should be bipartisan agreement on policies that support high-tech and sustainable American manufacturing of everything from semiconductor chips to solar panels. TAA is a win-win that helps workers succeed, and have the skills to run the manufacturing facilities that will be the backbone of a durable American economy.

“I fought to ensure the omnibus renewed funding for trade assistance, and I look forward to working with my colleagues to improve the program as part of a long-term package that addresses other expired trade initiatives as well.”
