December 07,2023

Wyden Statement on Biden Announcement to Make Prescription Drugs Cheaper and More Widely Available When Funded by Taxpayer Research

Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued a statement after the Biden Administration announced it was pursuing steps to allow the federal government to license the patent of a prescription drug to another manufacturer if that product was created through taxpayer-funded research and is not reasonably available on the market:

“Taxpayer-funded research has resulted in some of the most game-changing progress in science and medicine in a generation,” Wyden said. “Too often the benefits of foundational government-funded research are placed out of reach of too many Americans because megacorporations like Big Pharma lock it away behind sky-high prices. Today’s announcement by President Biden marks yet another step towards a more fair and just nation where everyday Americans see the benefits of their taxpayers dollars at work, rather than big business double dipping into their pocket books.”
