March 07,2001

Time Change for Grassley Availability on Trade Meeting


Grassley Available After Meeting with Trade Official

media availability after meeting with Pascal Lamy

Thursday, March 8, 2001, at 2:30 p.m.

Location: 135 Hart Senate Office Building

Description: Sen. Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Committee on Finance, will be available to the
media immediately after he meets with Pascal Lamy, the European Union trade commissioner. Meeting topics are expected to include preparations for the November World Trade Organization Ministerial in Qatar and a full discussion of trans-Atlantic bilateral trade issues. Grassley believes the meeting is key to resolving the trans-Atlantic trade concerns that are crucial to launching a new round of trade talks in the WTO. Grassley feels that without a new round, there will not be an
opportunity for the type of trade-offs that are only possible in comprehensive negotiations and that will result in greater market access for U.S. agricultural products.
