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Sean Neary/Meaghan Smith
Sept 16, 17th in Butte: Baucus Bringing Brightest Minds in Business Together with Main St to Build Opportunities
Google’s Schmidt, Facebook’s Sandberg, SpaceX/Tesla’s Musk, Many More will Come Together To Transform Butte, Montana, into the Center of the International Business World for Two Days this September
WASHINGTON –Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) is transforming Butte, Montana, into the capital of the international business world for his Economic Development Summit on September 16 -17. The Senator is bringing 11 of the top names in business – including Google’s Eric Schmidt, Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg, SpaceX and Tesla’s Elon Musk – together with main-street Montana companies in an effort to connect, collaborate and create new jobs. This is the Sixth Economic Development Summit Senator Baucus has brought to Montana.
Senator Baucus unveiled the Summit’s complete program and agenda of events today HERE.
“Folks in Washington talk a lot of talk about creating jobs, we’re bringing the biggest names in business together with main-street entrepreneurs who walk the walk every day,” Senator Baucus said. “For two days we’ll transform Butte, Montana, into the center of the international business world. The rules are simple: everything is on the table, no politics allowed, and solutions should come from the private sector. Time and time again we’ve used this formula to create real results for main-street American jobs, and I have no doubt this year’s summit will be the best one yet.”
- U.S. Senator Max Baucus, hundreds of Montana businesses, and some of the biggest names in business, including:
- Boeing President and CEO Jim McNerney
- Delta CEO Richard Anderson
- Co-founder of PayPal and Tesla Motors and founder and CEO of SpaceX Elon Musk
- Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg
- FedEx Founder and President and CEO Fred Smith
- Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt
- Former U.S. Ambassador to China, past presidential candidate and international businessman Jon Huntsman, Jr.
- Oracle President and CFO Safra Catz
- Ford Motor Company President and CEO Alan Mulally
- HP CEO Meg Whitman (by teleconference)
- ConocoPhillips CEO Ryan Lance
- Senator Baucus’ Sixth Montana Economic Development Summit
- 11 keynote addresses, 44 panels and workshops, 100 plus one-on-one networking sessions, a trade show and more
- September 16th and 17th
- Butte, Montana, campus of Montana Tech, an extension of the University of Montana
- Press planning to attend, please register as soon as possible by visiting and selecting “PRESS registration”
- For additional information, and to request interviews please contact or
- Get Summit news and updates on Facebook and Twitter at and @MTJobsSummit
Montana has recently emerged as a new favorite spot for tech industry startups. The Christian Science Monitor recently called Bozeman, Montana, the hub of the new ‘Green Coast.’ Missoula, Montana, has been called ‘a technology hub of the Northern Rockies,’ and was recently highlighted by Atlantic for its growth in venture capital and high-tech start-ups.
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