December 07,2017

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202-224-4515, Katie Niederee and Julia Lawless

Senators Advocate for GOP Tax Overhaul

Republican Senators Write in Favor of Senate Tax Plan

The historic tax overhaul that passed the Senate last week will boost wages, grow the economy, and provide middle-class taxpayers with real tax relief. Across the Senate Republican Conference, members are cheering multiple aspects of the plan, from benefits to agriculture, to growing the economy, to helping families, to support for healthcare reform. Take a look:  


Wall Street Journal – Tax Reform: What’s in It for You
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)
“I am proud that the Senate rose to take advantage of this historic opportunity to give a break to middle-class families through tax reform. Now we will work with members of the House to send a final product to Mr. Trump for his signature. Once we do, you will be able to keep more of your own hard-earned money. You and your neighbors will be free to pursue more opportunities, and employers across the country will have fewer reasons to move your job overseas.”


NBC News – The simple truth about America's awful tax code I learned as a Fortune 500 CEO
U.S. Senator David Perdue (R-Ga.) 
“If we change the business tax code by lowering the corporate tax rate and eliminating the repatriation tax, there will be renewed investment in our economy. This change will create jobs, increase wages, boost workforce development and grow the economy. The policy non-profit Tax Foundation has projected that all of these changes, which are included in the current United States Senate plan, would create nearly 1 million new jobs.”

Quad-City Times – Farmers need tax reform
U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) “As one of only three Republican senators on both the Finance and
Agriculture Committees, I’ve made it a priority to represent agriculture and the family farmer throughout the tax reform debate. This legislation is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make real and long-lasting reforms for farmers, ranchers and every American working in our agriculture industries.” 

Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan – Making Good On A Promise
U.S. Senator Mike Rounds (R-S.D.)
“The tax reform bill passed by the Senate takes meaningful steps to reform our tax code in a manner that will allow businesses to flourish again and families to keep more of their hard-earned dollars. It will provide more jobs, bigger paychecks and a fairer tax system, especially to lower- and middle-income Americans who haven’t seen a pay raise in nearly a decade. Under our bill, businesses will have the stability they need to confidently grow their companies, hire more workers, increase wages and reinvest back into the economy.”

Indianapolis Star – Senate Tax Bill Benefits Hoosiers
U.S. Senator Todd Young (R-Ind.)
“Our guiding principle for tax reform was simple: allow hardworking Hoosiers to keep and control more of their money. The goal throughout this process has been to ensure middle-class families and those of modest means see real tax relief. Many American workers have not seen a pay raise in a decade. And over fifty percent of American families are living paycheck to paycheck. This is the pay raise Hoosiers have been waiting for.” 

Cleveland Plain-Dealer – Why the GOP tax cuts will be good for the middle class, good for America and good for business
U.S. Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio)
“I think most Ohioans agree that middle-class tax cuts are a good idea, that our nation's businesses should be given the chance to compete, and that we should encourage investment in America -- not overseas. This bill is a commitment to help create a better economy and a better future.”

The Intelligencer Wheeling News-Register – Senate Should OK Tax Relief
U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.)
“The truth is simple: If Democrats and others are really serious about helping working families and moving our country and our state forward, this is their opportunity. President Trump is ready to sign a bill that grows our economy and benefits middle-income families, and every member of Congress has a decision to make.”

The Oklahoman – Tax reform will help Oklahoma's economy
U.S. Senator James Lankford (R-Okla.) 
“I have long warned about our growing federal deficit, which can only be addressed by cuts to wasteful spending, government reform and a growing economy. I am confident the economic growth from this tax reform bill will not only pay for itself, but help pay down the federal debt over time. More than 130 economists have projected that the Senate tax plan will result in strong economic growth, and I agree with their assessment.” 

Fairbanks Daily News-Miner – Alaskan senator supports free choice for health care
U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) 
“I have always supported the freedom to choose. I believe that the federal government should not force anyone to buy something they do not wish to buy in order to avoid being taxed. That is the fundamental reason why I opposed the Affordable Care Act from its inception and also why I cosponsored a bill to repeal the individual mandate tax penalty starting as early as 2013. And that is why I support the repeal of that tax today.” 

For more information, visit the Senate Finance Committee’s website at
