August 08,2000

Senate Approves Nominees to the IRS Oversight Board

WASHINGTON -- The Senate Friday approved seven nominees to the IRS Oversight Board:

• Mr. George L. Farr

• Mr. Charles L. Kolbe

• Ms. Nancy Killefer

• Mr. Larry R. Levitan

• Mr. Steve H. Nickles

• Mr. Robert Tobias

• Ms. Karen Hastie Williams

"These board members have many challenges ahead, and I look forward to working with them," Roth stated. "It is unfortunate that their approval was delayed for so long."

The board was created as part of the IRS Restructuring Act of 1998, and also includes the Secretary of the Treasury and the IRS Commissioner. The board, which is independent of the IRS, was created to oversee the agency's administration, management, conduct, direction and execution and application of the tax laws. The Oversight Board is specifically responsible for reviewing and approving IRS strategic plans and for reviewing operational plans of the IRS.

The law required the President to submit these nominations to the Oversight Board to the Senate by January 22, 1999. The President submitted his nominations to the Senate one year late, in January 2000. The Finance Committee held a nomination hearing on February 3, 2000 and favorably reported the nominations on March 2, 2000.