April 13,1999

Roth Statement on Taiwan

WASHINGTON -- Senate Finance Committee Chairman William V. Roth, Jr. today served as honorary host of a reception celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act, the legislation that forms the basis for America's relationship with its partner and ally, Taiwan. Roth's statement from the event follows:

"As one of the Members of the Senate who was here when the Taiwan Relations Act was passed twenty years ago, I have to say how pleased I am that the TRA has worked as well as it has.

"The TRA forms the core of our relationship with Taiwan, but it is also far more than that. It has contributed substantially to regional stability and economic prosperity.

"Twenty years ago, however, there was great concern about Taiwan's future. The conventional wisdom was that it was only a matter of time before China would absorb Taiwan.

"Yet, in large measure because of the TRA, Taiwan has flourished. It now has a vibrant democracy and economy, one that has withstood the Asian financial crisis as well as any.

"The TRA remains a crucial document, and one that must be preserved. It demonstrates our commitment to peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits, and our commitment to close relations with Taiwan.

"I want to thank my friends from Taiwan for putting on this reception and let you know that you can count on me for my continued support of the TRA and mutually beneficial U.S.-Taiwan relations."