Roth and Moynihan Announce Joint Effort on Managed Care Issue
WASHINGTON -- Senate Finance Committee Chairman William V. Roth, Jr. and Ranking Democrat Daniel Patrick Moynihan today announced that their staffs are undertaking a serious effort that they hope will result in a bipartisan managed care bill.
The senators announced that their staffs will be meeting with interested parties in an effort to gather information on the various issues in the managed care debate. Roth and Moynihan both emphad that these meetings are information gathering dialogues only, not negotiations over legislation. At this point, the senators have not reached agreement on a consensus bill.
Roth and Moynihan issued the following joint statement:
"We want to tackle the managed care issue in a bipartisan manner and develop any bill through the traditional committee channels.
"While we will be taking into consideration the suggestions and hard work of Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate, we intend to take a fresh look at all of the issues.
"We do not want to raise expectations about agreement on an issue that has eluded the Congress so far. But it is our hope that with a fresh start and open minds, we can find a bipartisan consensus solution to the health care challenges facing consumers today."
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