April 26,2018

Photo: Hatch Meets with IRS Commissioner Nominee Charles Rettig

hatch Rettig

Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) meets with IRS Commissioner Nominee Chuck Rettig. 

WASHINGTON – After meeting today with Charles Rettig, the nominee to lead the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) issued the following statement:

“With its history of scandals and continuing challenges, the IRS needs a full-time leader who understands the scale of these issues and will work with Congress to modernize and improve the agency, bringing it into the 21st century. Chuck Rettig fits the bill. Further, Chuck is committed to making certain that the IRS implements tax reform in an appropriate and timely manner, which is essential to ensuring all of the new law’s potential benefits are realized. Given the critical work that lies ahead, I hope we can continue the vetting process in a quick and fair manner.”


Each nominee that moves through the Senate Finance Committee undergoes the same bipartisan vetting process as the nominees from previous administrations. Traditionally, nominees are required to submit a questionnaire as well as full copies of their tax returns to the committee for review. Once the internal vetting process is completed, the Finance Committee will schedule a date for a confirmation hearing. 
