July 11,2017

Press Contact:

Katie Niederee, Julia Lawless (202)224-4515

Obamacare’s Latest Land Mines

Despite promises of more choices, lower costs, and the ability to access quality care close to home, Obamacare has failed the American people for the past seven years.

In fact, just this week, new reports were released underscoring the ongoing difficulties with the flawed law:

Number of Uninsured Americans Growing

According to a Gallup survey released Monday, the number of uninsured Americans has grown by nearly two million this year. Associated Press reported, “That may be a reflection of rising premiums and dwindling choices in the insurance markets created under Obama.”

“Rising insurance premiums could be causing some Americans to forgo insurance, especially those who fail to qualify for federal subsidies,” explains Gallup. “Furthermore, some insurance companies are leaving the ACA marketplace, and the lack of competition could be driving up the cost of plans for consumers.”

Insurance Providers Waning

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services reported that only 141 insurers have applied to participate in the Obamacare exchanges, down 38 percent from the same time last year.

As the Washington Examiner notes, “Some insurers have said that they are leaving the markets because of mounting financial losses, while others have said they are leaving due to uncertainty surrounding Obamacare's future.”

Premiums Skyrocketing

Under Obamacare, the average health insurance premiums in the United States have seen triple digit increases – skyrocketing by an average of 105 percent. In fact, the latest news out of Georgia shows some proposed rates for 2018 going up on average by more than 40 percent.

The facts are clear. This law is unworkable. That’s why Senate Republicans are committed to dismantling Obamacare and replacing it with patient-centered reforms that will lower costs, provide more choices, and ultimately put Americans – not Washington – back in charge of their health care.

