November 01,2016

Obamacare Failing Middle Class as Open Enrollment Begins

Benchmark Premiums on Jump 25%

Obamacare’s fourth open enrollment period is kicking off with devastating financial news for American families and taxpayers.

With average premiums rising by 25 percent for benchmark plans on the federal exchange, families will have to decide whether to purchase unaffordable insurance, or pay a fine. For individuals and families that forego this unaffordable health insurance, they will have to pay $695 per adult or a maximum of $2,085 per family or 2.5 percent of adjusted gross income, whatever's higher.

There’s no escaping it: Obamacare’s horrible headlines detail its negative consequences for American families and taxpayers.


 View video here.

The evidence is clear: Obamacare is a crippling, costly law that is failing middle class Americans.