June 27,2017

Obamacare: Beyond Unacceptable

After seven and a half years of high costs, burdensome mandates and less coverage, Republicans are taking action to rescue the American people from the failures of Obamacare.

The status quo under Obamacare is beyond unacceptable and it isn’t getting any better. In fact, with skyrocketing premiums and many counties in the nation potentially having only one insurer or no insurer next year, the status quo only appears to be getting worse.

Senate Republicans are working to enact real, patient-centered reforms to lower costs and put Americans back in charge of their health care with a plan that repeals the individual and employer mandates, strengthens Medicaid by giving more flexibility to states, keeps Americans’ Medicare benefits intact and overturns the burdensome Obamacare taxes.

Middle-class families and small businesses deserve quality, affordable care and Republicans are taking another important step in the effort to dismantle this disastrous law.



