February 11,2020

McSally Endorses Grassley-Wyden Bipartisan Prescription Drug Bill

Washington – Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) today endorsed Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley’s (R-Iowa) bipartisan Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act, growing the ranks of Senate Republican support. Other Senate Republicans are expected to announce their support for the bill in the coming days.
“Senator McSally is a leader in the fight to lower prescription drug prices. By taking on Big Pharma and putting her constituents first, Senator McSally has shown that she doesn’t just talk the talk—she walks the walk,” Grassley said. “The Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act would lower premiums, cap out-of-pocket expenses and rein in the skyrocketing costs of prescription medicines. I was glad to be able to work with Senator McSally on several provisions in this bipartisan bill that has earned the endorsement of President Trump and AARP.”
“As I travel around the state, the number one issue on the top of Arizonans’ minds is the rising cost of prescription drugs,” McSally said. “We are at a point where our seniors are forced to choose between buying groceries and buying a lifesaving prescription. Parents are forced to choose between paying rent and buying insulin for their child. I’m supporting Senator Grassley’s bipartisan legislation to hold pharmaceutical companies accountable for their drug costs and ensure that Arizonans are getting the best possible deal for medicine they need.”

Last week, in his State of the Union address, President Donald Trump called on Congress to pass bipartisan prescription drug pricing legislation and recognized Grassley’s leadership on the issue. Grassley’s and Ranking Member Ron Wyden’s (D-Ore.) legislation is the only significant, bipartisan bill in Congress to lower drug costs. Vice President Pence also endorsed their bill last week.