March 23,2020

ICYMI: Grassley’s leadership is now crucial

Iowa’s senior United States senator has a key role to play

March 21, 2020
As our nation mobilizes its resources to minimize the harm caused by the coronavirus pandemic, our state and the nation is fortunate to have U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley in a key leadership role in Congress. The Iowa Republican chairs the Senate Finance Committee. Many of the most significant issues that must be addressed fall within the purview of that committee.
This is a time that calls for pragmatism and commonsense as well as a commitment to crafting solutions with broad bipartisan support. Grassley has a well-deserved reputation a one who works collaboratively with senators of both parties when that is necessary to further the interests of the nation.
Grassley also will make sure that as national approaches are enacted, the needs of rural America are not overlooked. Already he has called his colleagues’ attention to the importance of understanding the health care situation in Iowa and other predominantly rural states.
“It’s important to me that rural hospitals, which are already facing staff and resource shortages, receive the help they need. Rural America can’t be left behind, even as we combat the virus in more densely populated hot spots,” Grassley said in a statement just released by his office. “We’re continuing to develop solutions that will help working Americans, their families and the most vulnerable, as well as businesses of every size and American industries most disrupted.”
The Iowa senator looks out for Iowa, but his perspective is truly national.

The senator’s vast experience will help his colleagues develop legislative approaches that don’t overlook the problems this health care crisis poses nationwide. That’s good news not just for Iowans but for all Americans.