February 07,2017

Press Contact:

Aaron Fobes, Julia Lawless (202)224-4515

Hatch, Wyden Announce Finance Subcommittee Assignments for 115th Congress

Washington – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Ranking Member Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) today announced assignments for the panel’s six subcommittees for the 115th Congress after committee members approved the subcommittees and rules in an executive session.
The six subcommittees are Health Care; International Trade, Customs and Global Competitiveness; Energy, Natural Resources and Infrastructure; Social Security, Pensions and Family Policy; Taxation and IRS Oversight; and Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth.
A full list of the subcommittees and member assignments is below:
Subcommittee on Health Care
Republicans                                                                                        Democrats          
Pat Toomey, Pa., Chairman                                                                  Debbie Stabenow, Mich.
Chuck Grassley, Iowa                                                                          Robert Menendez, N.J.
Pat Roberts, Kan.                                                                                Maria Cantwell, Wash.
Michael B. Enzi, Wyo.                                                                          Thomas R. Carper, Del.
John Thune, S.D.                                                                                Benjamin L. Cardin, Md.
Richard Burr, N.C.                                                                               Sherrod Brown, Ohio
Johnny Isakson, Ga.                                                                            Mark R. Warner, Va.
Rob Portman, Ohio                                                                              Ron Wyden, Ore.                           Dean Heller, Nev.
Bill Cassidy, La.
Subcommittee on International Trade, Customs, and Global Competitiveness
Republicans                                                                                        Democrats          
John Cornyn, Texas, Chairman                                                            Robert P. Casey, Jr., Pa.
Chuck Grassley, Iowa                                                                         Debbie Stabenow, Mich.
Pat Roberts, Kan.                                                                               Bill Nelson, Fla.
Johnny Isakson, Ga.                                                                           Claire McCaskill, Mo.
John Thune, S.D.                                                                               
Dean Heller, Nev.                                                             
Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources, and Infrastructure
Republicans                                                                                        Democrats          
Dean Heller, Nev. Chairman                                                             Michael F. Bennet, Colo.
Chuck Grassley, Iowa                                                                      Maria Cantwell, Wash.
Mike Crapo, Idaho                                                                           Bill Nelson, Fla.
Michael B. Enzi, Wyo.                                                                      Robert Menendez, N.J.
John Cornyn, Texas                                                                         Thomas R. Carper, Del.
Richard Burr, N.C.                                                                           Mark R. Warner, Va.
Tim Scott, S.C.
Bill Cassidy, La.  
Subcommittee on Social Security, Pensions, and Family Policy
Republicans                                                                                        Democrats          
Bill Cassidy, La., Chairman                                                              Sherrod Brown, Ohio      
Rob Portman, Ohio                                                                          Robert P. Casey, Jr., Pa.
Mike Crapo, Idaho                                                           
Pat Toomey, Pa.
Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight
Republicans                                                                                        Democrats          
Rob Portman, Ohio, Chairman                                                             Mark R. Warner, Va.
Mike Crapo, Idaho                                                                              Thomas R. Carper, Del.
Pat Roberts, Kan.                                                                               Benjamin L. Cardin, Md.
Michael B. Enzi, Wyo.                                                                         Claire McCaskill, Mo.      
John Cornyn, Texas                                                                            Robert Menendez, N.J.  
John Thune, S.D.                                                                               Michael F. Bennet, Colo.
Richard Burr, N.C.                                                                              Robert P. Casey, Jr., Pa.
Johnny Isakson, Ga.                                                                           Maria Cantwell, Wash.
Patrick J. Toomey, Pa.                                                    
Tim Scott, S.C.                                                                   
Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth
Republicans                                                                                        Democrats          
Tim Scott, S.C., Chairman                                                                  Ron Wyden, Ore.
Orrin Hatch, Utah
