August 30,2017

Press Contact:

Katie Niederee, Julia Lawless (202) 224-4515

Hatch Welcomes Trump’s Push for Comprehensive Tax Reform

Utah Senator Says, “Today the president made clear he is committed to remaking the tax code in a way that will help propel our economy forward and produce bigger paychecks, better jobs, and more opportunity for all Americans.”

SALT LAKE CITY – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) issued the following statement today after President Trump spoke on the importance of comprehensive tax reform in Springfield, Mo.: 

“Today the president made clear he is committed to remaking the tax code in a way that will help propel our economy forward and produce bigger paychecks, better jobs, and more opportunity for all Americans. A simplified tax code anchored in fairness will help hard working, middle-class families be better equipped to invest in their future. Creating fertile ground that invites businesses, both large and small, to do more here at home will help to create and retain higher-paying jobs for more American workers. And, getting rates down across the board will help keep our nation competitive around the globe. 

“I share the president’s goal of wanting this endeavor to be bipartisan. As the Senate Finance Committee moves forward with additional hearings and a markup this fall, I hope we will be able to find consensus and unite behind pro-growth policies to help lift our nation and increase the standard of living for Americans across the country.” 

Earlier this month, Hatch announced the Senate Finance Committee will hold multiple hearings and a markup this fall on tax reform.