January 03,2017

Press Contact:

Aaron Fobes, Julia Lawless (202)224-4515

Hatch Welcomes Senator Cassidy to Senate Finance Committee

WASHINGTON – Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) today welcomed U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy (R-La.) to serve on the Senate Finance Committee in the 115th Congress.
“The Finance Committee has always played a vital role in shaping our nation’s economy. Whether it’s providing responsible tax relief for American families and businesses, implementing common-sense health reforms to lower costs and increase choice, or advancing a strong trade agenda to help keep American workers and job creators competitive around the globe, the committee has worked to institute policies to improve prosperity for generations to come,” Hatch said. “The addition of Senator Cassidy strengthens the Republican side of this committee and I am confident that we’ll be able to continue our record of bipartisanship with our colleagues on the other side of the aisle to help meet the demands before us and produce real results for the American people.”
The Finance Committee has the largest jurisdiction of any congressional committee overseeing over 50 percent of the nation’s budget, including America’s entitlement programs, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, all tax policy, international trade, several welfare programs and the nation’s debt.
Below is the full list of the Republican members of the Finance Committee for the 115th Congress:
Orrin Hatch, Utah
Chuck Grassley, Iowa
Mike Crapo, Idaho
Pat Roberts, Kan.
Mike Enzi, Wyo.
John Cornyn, Texas
John Thune, S.D.
Richard Burr, N.C.
Johnny Isakson, Ga.
Rob Portman, Ohio
Pat Toomey, Pa.
Dean Heller, Nev.
Tim Scott, S.C.
Bill Cassidy, La.
