November 27,2017

Press Contact:

202-224-4515, Katie Niederee & Julia Lawless

Hatch Statement on Meeting with HHS Secretary Nominee Alex Azar

Utah Senator Says, “We had a constructive conversation, and it is clear Mr. Azar is committed to restoring HHS to its core mission of enhancing and protecting the health and well-being of Americans across the country.”

WASHINGTON – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) today met with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Nominee Alex Azar and issued the following statement:

“Mr. Azar, in our meeting today, demonstrated he has the gravitas to take the reins at the Department of Health and Human Services and lead the agency in tackling the skyrocketing insurance premiums and shrinking healthcare options under Obamacare and ensuring Medicare and Medicaid are around for generations to come. We had a constructive conversation, and it is clear Mr. Azar is committed to restoring HHS to its core mission of enhancing and protecting the health and well-being of Americans across the country. As he goes through the Finance Committee’s bipartisan vetting process, I hope my fellow committee members will work with me to fairly advance this nominee.”

Each nominee that moves through the Senate Finance Committee undergoes the same bipartisan vetting process as the nominees from previous administrations. Traditionally, each nominee is required to submit a questionnaire as well as full copies of their tax returns to the committee for review. Once the internal vetting process is completed, the Finance Committee will schedule a date for a confirmation hearing.


The Senate Finance Committee, the committee with the largest jurisdiction in either House of Congress, oversees more than 50 percent of the federal budget and has jurisdiction over large portions of the American healthcare system, including the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP.

