June 12,2018

Press Contact:

Katie Niederee and Julia Lawless, 202-224-4515

Hatch Statement on Appointment of Jeremy Keele to the Commission on Social Impact Partnerships

WASHINGTON – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) today announced he is appointing Jeremy Keele of Salt Lake City, Utah, to serve as a member of the Commission on Social Impact Partnerships. The commission, created by the Social Impact Partnership to Pay for Results Act (SIPPRA), was originally introduced in the Senate by Hatch and became law in February, will assist the Treasury Secretary in supporting innovative partnerships between the public and private sectors to address critical social challenges. 

“I’m thrilled to name Jeremy Keele to this commission – his wealth of experience will be invaluable to the Treasury Secretary and other commission members as they work to focus federal spending on programs that deliver real results for the people who need it most,” Hatch said. “As the former Sorenson Impact Center president and CEO and an advisor to Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams, Jeremy has helped to develop many early pay-for-results projects in Utah and around the globe. I know he will be a great asset to this commission, and he will represent Utah’s interests well. I’m glad he will be part of the team working to make sure this new law is a success.” 

“I’m honored to be appointed to this commission, and I applaud Senator Hatch for his leadership on this important, bipartisan issue,” Keele said. “This new fund has the potential to help scale local programs that are measurably improving lives in communities around the country, and I look forward to serving in this role and furthering this work.” 

Background: SIPPRA supports innovative partnerships between the public and private sectors to address critical social challenges. This new law represents a major step toward focusing federal spending on social programs that produce results. Under this law, states will identify a key social challenge they want to address, work to achieve an agreed-upon result, and then receive payment if a rigorous, independent evaluation shows they achieved the outcome. A total of $100 million is provided for these projects, which can be used to pay states that achieve results, as well as to help states develop proposals for funding under this act. 

SIPPRA creates a nine-member “Commission on Social Impact Partnerships” to assist the Treasury Secretary in administering this law, and individuals serving on this commission will assist the Secretary of the Treasury in reviewing applications for funding, make recommendations regarding funding of projects, and provide other assistance and support to the secretary related to this law.

