July 20,2017

Press Contact:

Katie Niederee, Julia Lawless (202)224-4515

Hatch Statement at Executive Session to Consider Treasury Assistant Secretary of Tax Policy Nominee David Kautter

WASHINGTON – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) today convened an executive session to mark up the nomination of David J. Kautter to serve as U.S. Treasury Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy. Please find below his opening statement as prepared for delivery:

            This morning, the committee will consider, and hopefully report, the nomination of David J. Kautter to serve as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Tax Policy.

            Earlier this week, the committee had a chance to meet with Mr. Kautter and I believe that he carried himself very well.  I think his answers to questions were honest and well-informed. And, I think his experience and credentials make him objectively qualified to serve in this important position. 

           This position is particularly important in the current environment as the administration is engaging with Congress on comprehensive tax reform.  If confirmed, Mr. Kautter will likely be a key figure in that effort.    Therefore, once the committee reports his nomination, I’m hoping that he can be confirmed by the full Senate in short order.

            Hopefully, the logjam on the floor with regard to nominees will not last much longer.  That, of course, will depend on whether the Senate Minority Leader decides to change tactics in the near future.  That particular issue, however, is probably a conversation best had a different time and place than this morning’s markup. 

            We have before us a well-qualified nominee, who has extensive experience as a tax practitioner and a stellar reputation.  He clearly has the knowledge and expertise to be effective in this position.  And, thus far, I don’t think anyone has raised any issue that calls into question either his qualifications or his fitness to serve in this capacity. 

            There were some allegations raised during the hearing.  Some had concerns about some practices at one of Mr. Kautter’s previous employers.  However, I think he provided full and complete answers to all the questions surrounding those issues, and, as of yet, I haven’t seen any evidence of any impropriety on his part. 

            Long story short, I think we should be able to report this nomination quickly.  I hope that we’ll see a strong bipartisan vote in his favor. 

            I’ll now turn to Senator Wyden. 
