May 22,2015

Press Contact:

Aaron Fobes/Julia Lawless 202.224.4515

Hatch Hails Senate Action on Bipartisan TPA Bill

Utah Senator Says, “It’s a pivotal moment for Washington. Now that the Senate has acted, our colleagues in the House must work to push this legislation through their chamber. Doing so will help pave the way for the nation’s top economic priority to become law and secure America’s economic leadership on the world stage.”

WASHINGTON – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) issued the following statement tonight after the Senate passed the  Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015, bipartisan legislation to renew Trade Promotion Authority (TPA):
“As the leader of the global trading system, the United States envisions a market that promotes American economic opportunity. No complex, economically significant trade agreement has ever been negotiated by any administration and approved by Congress without Trade Promotion Authority. Tonight, the Senate took yet another step on the road to expanding American trade and advanced bipartisan legislation to renew this critical trade tool.

“TPA gives the American people a voice in our international trade talks. It empowers Congress to ensure America's priorities are being met and that our chief negotiators secure strong, high-standard trade agreements that will boost export opportunities for American farmers, ranchers, and businesses and support more higher-paying jobs here at home.

“In fact, in my home state of Utah, international trade and growing exports has helped us maintain one of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation. Nearly 375,000 jobs in Utah are supported by trade alone. TPA will serve as the catalyst to further tearing down barriers to American-made products and help American workers and job creators fully realize the benefits of trade.  

“It’s a pivotal moment for Washington. The world won’t wait on us.  Now that the Senate has acted, our colleagues in the House must work to push this legislation through their chamber.  Doing so will help pave the way for the nation’s top economic priority to become law and secure America’s economic leadership on the world stage.”
