December 12,2018

Press Contact:

Nicole Hager, 202-224-4515

Hatch Condemns Senate Action Threatening Taxpayer Privacy

Utah Senator Says CRA Challenge to Common-Sense IRS Policy Change Was “Partisan Politicking”

WASHINGTON – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) today condemned Senate action challenging an IRS policy change that no longer requires many tax-exempt groups to file forms with the IRS disclosing the names and addresses of taxpayers who made substantial contributions.

 “I am disappointed in my colleagues’ efforts to invalidate a common-sense reform to protect taxpayer privacy,” Hatch said. “The donor information at issue is not used by the IRS for efficient administration of tax laws and wastes valuable IRS resources, and the information is required to be held by tax-exempt groups, available for law enforcement if ever necessary. Beyond that, returns with personally identifiable information of donors tend to leak – a serious threat to taxpayer privacy. In the last eight years, the IRS is aware of at least 14 breaches that resulted in unauthorized disclosure of this type of information. Unfortunately, proponents of the challenge that passed the Senate today are advocating for federal warehousing of sensitive donor information, available for politically-motivated actors to target American taxpayers with whom they disagree—a direct threat to First Amendment rights. While today’s vote was disheartening, I am confident this effort will not become law. I encourage my colleagues in the House to oppose this effort, which threatens taxpayer privacy and creates busywork for both the IRS and tax-exempt organizations.”

 Background: Hatch has spoken in support of the new IRS policy several times.