November 02,2017

Press Contact:

202-224-4515, Katie Niederee and Julia Lawless

Hatch Commends Brady’s Efforts on Tax Reform Proposal

WASHINGTON – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) today welcomed House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady’s (R-Texas) release of a comprehensive tax reform bill based on the unified framework put together by the administration, Senate and House: 

“America’s tax code has been in disrepair for more than three decades because finding common ground on so many contentious and complex policy issues has been out of reach. But now, congressional leaders and this administration have made remarkable progress in finding a path forward. With the spotlight now on the tax-writing committees in the Senate and House, Chairman Brady has taken a significant step down that path. I commend him for his efforts in putting forward a proposal to overhaul our outdated tax code. It is a bold next step in our effort to improve our nation’s tax system and one that reflects our unified goals. While I will study this legislation carefully, I am working with my Senate colleagues to finalize the policy details of the Senate’s tax reform proposal to produce a mark for consideration in the Finance Committee once the House Ways & Means Committee completes its work, hopefully toward the end of next week. 

“Fixing America’s broken tax system will ensure middle-class families can keep more of their hard-earned dollars, help more businesses to grow and reward their employees with bigger paychecks, and make certain that companies can successfully compete here and abroad. We’ve debated the best way to reform our tax code for decades, and we now have the opportunity to make history and bring our tax system into the 21st century. I’m confident that, as each chamber works its will and moves a bill through regular order, we can build on this momentum and produce a robust, pro-growth tax reform package that will deliver much-needed relief to the American people.”  

Background: The Senate Finance Committee continues to work to complete tax reform legislation that will grow the economy and provide relief to middle-class families. After Ways and Means has acted, Chairman Hatch intends to lay down a mark for the committee to advance this month. Details will be released when finalized. 
