April 20,2016

Press Contact:

Aaron Fobes, Julia Lawless 202-224-4515

Hatch Applauds Committee Action on Bipartisan Bills to Protect Taxpayers, Curb Identity Theft & Tax Refund Fraud

WASHINGTON – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) today issued the following statement after the Committee favorably reported out two bipartisan tax bills that aim to prevent identity theft and tax refund fraud, and better protect American taxpayers:

“Today the Finance Committee acted in a strong bipartisan fashion to advance commonsense legislation that will ensure better stewardship of taxpayer dollars and shield Americans from fraudsters seeking to steal identities and claim tax refunds that don’t belong to them. Our efforts today further underscore the success we’ve had at the Committee this Congress, where we’ve now cleared nearly 40 bipartisan bills. I look forward to continuing to build upon this success and working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to advance smart legislation, like the measures we voted on today, and promote a strong, pro-growth agenda that will benefit the American people.”

The results of the Executive Session will be posted here.

To date, the Senate Finance Committee of the 114th Congress has reported out 39 bills on a bipartisan basis, advancing more legislation than any single Congress since 1980.  According to records at the Senate Finance Committee, under the Republican Majority, more bills were reported out of the Committee in 2015 than the previous four Congresses combined.  
