July 25,2019

Grassley’s Rx Bill Passes: “Unprecedented,” “Historic,” “Blockbuster,” “Tipping Point,” “Sweeping,” “Ambitious,” “Major”

What They’re Saying: Senate Finance Committee Passes Grassley’s Bipartisan Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act
“Unprecedented,” “Historic,” “Blockbuster,” “Tipping Point,” “Sweeping,” “Ambitious,” “Major”
OpenSecrets.org: “Senate Finance Committee deals a blow to Big Pharma…The Senate Finance Committee advanced a blockbuster drug pricing bill to the Senate floor Thursday while shooting down amendments supported by the pharmaceutical companies, dealing an unlikely blow to the influential industry.”
Bloomberg’s Steven Dennis: “Senate Finance just approved an historic drug pricing bill 19-9.”
STAT: “A key Senate committee on Thursday advanced a sweeping bill to lower drug prices after its members voted — narrowly — to retain its most controversial element: a cap on some drug price increases under Medicare.”
AARP’s David Certner: “Congress has finally hit a tipping point on out of control Rx prices -- constituents across the country on both sides of the aisle are fed up and want action now. Today, the Senate Finance committee acted.”
TheHill: “The advancement of the measure was a rare loss for the powerful pharmaceutical industry, which denounced the bill.”
FierceHealthcare: “A key Senate committee advanced a major legislative package to tackle high drug prices by revamping Medicare’s drug benefit amid other policies…”
Bloomberg’s Steven Dennis: “The Grassley-Wyden bill targeting Pharma with more than $100 billion in pain over a decade -- really an unprecedented effort to slow drug price hikes -- passed in committee 19-9.”
STAT: “…the Senate Finance Committee’s ambitious new drug pricing plan…The Senate Finance Committee’s new bipartisan drug pricing package has the potential to change Medicare more dramatically than almost any piece of health care policy in the last 20 years.”
