June 02,2020

Grassley: The Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act is Needed Now More than Ever

Prepared Floor Remarks by U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa
Chairman, Senate Finance Committee
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic is disrupting our daily lives in unimaginable ways.
The National Institutes of Health is working with a private sector biotech company and have already began early stage human trials for a potential vaccine.
There’s hope on the horizon.
However, the soaring prices of prescription drugs are making lifesaving treatments and cures simply unaffordable to many Americans.
This pandemic makes two things clear. Americans urgently want a cure. And when lifesaving therapies and cures come to market, Americans must be able to afford them when their provider prescribes them.

My bipartisan Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act is needed now more than ever.