December 10,2019

Grassley Statement on WTO Appellate Body Losing Quorum

Washington – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) today released the following statement regarding the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Appellate Body losing its quorum and therefore the ability to hear or rule on appeals. 
“There have been bipartisan concerns raised by numerous American administrations about systemic issues with the WTO Appellate Body,” Grassley said. “I wish U.S. concerns would have been resolved before today, but that didn’t happen. I hope this provides the impetus for WTO members to seriously address the issues raised by the United States. I have said before that the WTO’s success depends on members acknowledging its shortcomings and working together to address our goals to strengthen the institution. The work to restore the Appellate Body should continue in earnest with the shared goal among all members of getting WTO dispute settlement back on track in 2020.”

Grassley and Ranking Member Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) recently wrote an op-ed regarding the need to reform the WTO.