July 11,2019

Grassley Statement on Withdrawal of HHS Rebate Rule

Grassley Statement on Withdrawal of HHS Rebate Rule
“It’s Time for Congress to Legislate”
Washington Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) today released the following statement regarding the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) withdrawal of its proposed “rebate rule.”
“I had some concerns about the Administration’s proposed rebate rule, but President Trump and Secretary Azar should be commended for being aggressive in their work to lower prescription drug prices. The withdrawal puts even more pressure on Congress to step up to the plate. It’s time for Congress to legislate and deliver on our promise to lower health care costs for Americans.
“In the Finance Committee, I’m working with Ranking Member Wyden and my Republican and Democratic colleagues on a package of reforms to increase transparency and reduce the cost of prescription drugs. While the final details are still being negotiated, we’re on track to report a bill out of committee very soon. This bipartisan bill will bring much-needed transparency to drug pricing, including the role of middlemen and rebates in the system.
“The Judiciary Committee recently passed a bill I authored that directs the Federal Trade Commission to study the activities of PBMs and other intermediaries, including spread pricing and reimbursements, steering and the use of formulary designs to increase market share of higher-priced drugs. It also requires a study of the state of competition in the health care supply chain. The Federal Trade Commission must also provide policy recommendations to improve transparency and competition. That will further inform next steps for Congress.
“I’m also glad that the HELP Committee under the leadership of Chairman Alexander and Ranking Member Murray have addressed the role of rebates in commercial insurance by passing legislation that bans spread pricing and provides employers with the information they need to lower drug costs for their employees.”
“This is all part of a concerted and bipartisan effort in the Senate to pass a comprehensive package of health care reforms this year to save American consumers and taxpayers from overpaying for health care.”
