June 29,2019

Grassley Statement on the Resumption of U.S.-Chinese Trade Talks

Grassley Statement on the Resumption of U.S.-Chinese Trade Talks

WASHINGTON — Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa today released the following statement regarding the resumption of U.S.-Chinese trade talks after President Donald Trump met with President Xi Jinping at the G20 Summit in Japan. 

“I’m glad China has chosen to return to the negotiating table. I urge President Trump to continue to stand strong against China’s many abuses. Americans have made sacrifices for this trade war and we have to get a serious, enforceable deal with structural changes for this to be worth it in the end. Farmers I talk to in Iowa understand the need to hold China accountable. Americans are united on the need for China to end its unfair and mercantilist trade policies. I’m encouraged that we’re back at the table to resolve these issues.
