November 20,2020

Grassley Statement on New HHS Prescription Drug Rules

Washington Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) today issued the following statement after the Department of Health and Human Services announced new final rules regarding prescription drug pricing.


“While I still need to review the details of these new rules, I’m not surprised the administration is taking action. Drug prices have been a problem for patients and taxpayers for years. Action was clearly called for and I’m glad something is being done to combat the problem.


“The folks who have concerns about the impacts on premiums or innovation should come back to Congress and work to reach a true legislative compromise. The best path has always been through legislation and the door has been open, but Big Pharma and its allies have stonewalled progress. The Grassley-Wyden prescription drug bill strikes just the right balance of comprehensive reform that will lower drug costs for patients and taxpayers while preserving innovation. I’d encourage both stakeholders and Democratic leadership to come back to the table.”

