June 04,2019

Grassley Statement on Confirmation of Social Security Commissioner

WASHINGTON – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) today released the following statement regarding the confirmation of Andrew M. Saul of New York to be commissioner of the Social Security Administration (SSA) for a six-year term expiring on January 19, 2025.
“Mr. Saul is the first confirmed Social Security commissioner since February 2013. Having a confirmed commissioner is a welcome step toward addressing many of the operational challenges the agency is facing, including unacceptable backlogs for beneficiaries. Mr. Saul’s commitment to public service will benefit the agency, its operations, its employees and the American people. The commissioner will oversee one of the nation’s largest and most important domestic agencies that is relied upon by retired American workers and Americans with disabilities. Mr. Saul’s leadership will help ensure that Social Security beneficiaries obtain the quality service that they’ve earned and deserve.”
The White House’s biography of Saul can be found here.
