May 17,2019

Grassley Statement on Auto Tariff Delay

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa today released the following statement regarding President Donald Trump’s decision, pursuant to Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, to delay tariffs on imports of automobiles and certain automobile parts. 
“I’m glad President Trump decided to delay these tariffs. As the president knows, I’m not a fan of tariffs. And I have serious questions about the legitimacy of using national security as a basis to impose tariffs on cars and car parts.
“I’ll continue to strongly support the Trump administration’s pursuit of trade negotiations with the European Union and Japan. I encourage Ambassador Lighthizer to pursue comprehensive trade agreements that benefit all Americans, including farmers, manufacturers and service providers.
“In the meantime, I’m continuing to work on bipartisan legislation to update Section 232 to give Congress, which has constitutional authority to regulate international commerce, a meaningful role in the process.”
