October 03,2019

Grassley Praises Trump Administration Order Improving Medicare Advantage

Washington – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) made the following statement in response to the executive order issued today by the Trump administration protect and improve choice in the Medicare Advantage program.
“This executive order from President Trump will positively build on the successful Medicare Advantage program that many seniors rely on every day. Unlike so-called “Medicare-for-all” proposals that would end the Medicare Advantage program altogether and reduce seniors’ access and quality of care, this proposal will further increase options and reduce bureaucratic red tape. We should be building on successful programs instead of ending Medicare as we know it and taking away options from Americans. This order takes the right steps in the right direction to not only improve Medicare Advantage but to bring more value to the broader Medicare program. President Trump and Secretary Azar should be applauded.
“The order helps patients share in the savings that Medicare Advantage plans generate by expanding the flexibility for the types of supplemental medical benefits plans can offer. The Finance Committee made these flexibilities possible through the bipartisan CHRONIC CARE Act and this expansion will help continue improving health care outcomes for Medicare beneficiaries.
“This order also complements our legislative efforts to improve health care and reduce costs, like the Grassley-Wyden bipartisan legislation to bring down prescription drug prices. Together, we can get to lower costs, more choices and better care.”
