July 29,2020

Grassley on U.S.-U.K. Trade

Prepared Floor Remarks by U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa

Chairman, Senate Finance Committee

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


I’m pleased that the U.S. and U.K. are making strides in our negotiations to complete a free trade agreement.


Our two countries have a centuries-old relationship that will only be strengthened by a comprehensive deal that presents economic opportunities for farmers, manufacturers and service providers on both sides of the Atlantic.


I continue to insist that an agreement reached between our two countries will allow us to reach our full potential as trading partners, particularly when it comes to agricultural trade.

The U.K. has been subject to restrictive EU rules that have no scientific basis, and I urge the Administration to work with U.K. negotiators to achieve greater market access for U.S. farmers.