April 02,2004

Grassley on Today's Job Gains Announcement


To: Reporters and Editors
Re: Job gains in March
Da: Friday, April 2, 2004

Sen. Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Committee on Finance, made the following comment on today’s announcement that the nation's employers added 308,000 new jobs in March, hiring at the fastest pace in four years.

“Job creation is very good news. People have to provide for their families. They need notonly jobs, but quality jobs that are part of careers. The more jobs available, the more choices theyhave to advance, especially when employers are in a good financial position to train workers. Thisgrowth is evidence of a presidential administration and a congressional majority willing to reducethe tax burden on individuals and small businesses, which create most jobs.

“But we can’t rest on our success. For example, we have to pass the JOBS Act now pendingin the Senate. This bill will cut the tax rate for manufacturing performed in the United States andwill provide a tremendous boost for new manufacturing activity. Democratic leaders are holding upthis bill to try to score political points on totally unrelated issues. For every month we delay enactingthe JOBS Act, the sanctions on U.S. exports to Europe increase. We sell a lot of goods to Europe.The targeted products include jewelry, timber, paper products, textiles, meat, vegetables, fruit, dairyproducts, aluminum and steel. These sanctions are hurting U.S. jobs, and we can make them go awayonly if we enact the JOBS Act. We’re on the right course for more job creation and economicgrowth. I hope the Senate Democratic leadership doesn’t stand in the way.”