April 08,2019

Grassley Floor Remarks on 232 Tariffs

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa discussed 232 tariffs on the Senate floor. Video of the remarks can be found here and text can be found below.
Congress needs to pass the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement this year to give farmers and businesses the certainty they need and the certainty they deserve. 
The past year has brought rising costs, lost markets, and uncertainty for the farmers and businesses.
We need to focus on creating opportunities instead of erecting barriers. 
I’d like to see a resolution with Canada and Mexico on steel and aluminum tariffs.
One that would acknowledge that we need our allies to help us deal with the source of the overcapacity problems. And that source of the problem is China.

I urge President Trump to lift the 232 tariffs so we can forge ahead with United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement and eliminate the uncertainty in the North American market.