January 15,2020

Grassley Attends White House Signing of Phase One China Trade Deal

Grassley Praises President Trump, Says Only Time Will Tell if China Upholds its Commitments

Washington – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) today attended a White House signing ceremony for Phase One of a trade deal between the United States and China.

“President Trump and Ambassador Lighthizer should be commended for this significant progress toward a full and enforceable deal with China. Farmers have borne the brunt of retaliation throughout this trade war. At the White House today, I was thinking of my neighbors in Iowa and all the other farmers across the country who have stood strong throughout this process,” Grassley said. “I hope this proves to be a turning point in our economic relationship with China, but I’ve seen enough history to be clear-eyed. Not only must China follow through with its commitments in this Phase One deal, but also work toward a comprehensive agreement that ends forced technology transfers, intellectual property theft and unfair restrictions on U.S. goods, including agriculture. Only then will we know if China can be a reliable economic partner in the 21st century.”