August 03,2020

Grassley Announces Results of Executive Session on Tax, Trade Nominations

Results of Executive Session to Consider Favorably Reporting the Nominations of Michael N. Nemelka, of Utah, to be a Deputy United States Trade Representative (Investment, Services, Labor, Environment, Africa, China, and the Western Hemisphere), with the rank of Ambassador, vice C. J. Mahoney, Christian N. Weiler, of Louisiana, to be a Judge of the United States Tax Court for a term of fifteen years, vice Albert G. Lauber, term expiring, Alina I. Marshall, of Virginia, to be a Judge of the United States Tax Court for a term of fifteen years, vice L. Paige Marvel, term expiring.


August 3, 2020 

To consider favorably reporting the nomination of Mr. Michael N. Nemelka, of Utah, to be a Deputy United States Trade Representative (Investment, Services, Labor, Environment, Africa, China, and the Western Hemisphere), with the rank of Ambassador, vice C. J. Mahoney, approved by roll call vote of  24 Ayes and  4 Nays.


           Ayes:   Grassley, Crapo, Roberts, Enzi, Cornyn, Thune, Burr (proxy), Portman, Scott, Cassidy, Lankford, Daines, Young, Sasse, Wyden, Stabenow, Cantwell, Carper, Cardin, Brown, Bennet, Warner, Hassan, and Cortez Masto


 Nays: Toomey (proxy), Menendez (proxy), Casey, and Whitehouse


To consider favorably reporting the nomination Mr. Christian N. Weiler, of Louisiana, to be a Judge of the United States Tax Court for a term of fifteen years, vice Albert G. Lauber, term expiring, approved by roll call vote of 28 Ayes.


            Ayes: Grassley, Crapo, Roberts, Enzi, Cornyn, Thune, Burr (proxy), Portman, Toomey (proxy), Scott, Cassidy, Lankford, Daines, Young, Sasse, Wyden, Stabenow, Cantwell, Menendez (proxy), Carper, Cardin, Brown, Bennet, Casey, Warner, Whitehouse, Hassan, and Cortez Masto


To consider favorably reporting the nomination of Alina I. Marshall, of Virginia, to be a Judge of the United States Tax Court for a term of fifteen years, vice L. Paige Marvel, term expiring, approved by roll call vote of 28 Ayes.


            Ayes: Grassley, Crapo, Roberts, Enzi, Cornyn, Thune, Burr (proxy), Portman, Toomey (proxy), Scott, Cassidy, Lankford, Daines, Young, Sasse, Wyden, Stabenow, Cantwell, Menendez (proxy), Carper, Cardin, Brown, Bennet, Casey, Warner, Whitehouse, Hassan, and Cortez Masto