January 21,2003

Grassley Announces Hearing on Treasury Nominee

Treasury Secretary Nomination Hearing Set

Event: Hearing to consider the nomination of John Snow as Treasury secretary

Date/time: Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2003, at 10 a.m.

Location: 215 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.

Description: The Finance Committee, under the chairmanship of Sen. Chuck Grassley, will hold
a hearing to consider the nomination by President Bush of John Snow to serve as
Treasury secretary. Snow is expected to be the sole witness. The hearing is expected
to last no longer than one day. A committee vote on the nomination could come
within a few days of the hearing.

Note: Relevant paperwork, including portions of the committee’s questionnaire submitted
to and filled out by the nominee, will be available shortly. An announcement will
come when that information is available.
