February 28,2007

Finance Panel Announces New Subcommittees

Members will now oversee energy and pension issues, tackle global competitiveness and long-term growth

Washington, DC – U.S. Senators Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa),
Chairman and Ranking Republican of the Senate Finance Committee, today announced the
formation of a new Finance subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources and Infrastructure, and
the addition of pensions issues to an expanded Social Security, Pensions, and Family Policy
panel. The Subcommittee on International Trade will also address global competitiveness, and
the panel on Taxation and IRS Oversight will take an active look at long-term growth. The
Subcommittee on Health Care will continue to examine policy across the health care system. The
full Finance Committee is expected to vote shortly to finalize the subcommittees as slated.

“I want the Finance Committee to play an active role in improving America’s energy
independence. The full committee will be very active on energy, but our new subcommittee
will really focus and sharpen these efforts. I also want to ramp up our work for retirees and
Baucus said. “Our subcommittees will take a new look at issues of long-term
growth and global competitiveness – and Senator Lincoln will become the first female
Democratic Senator to lead a Finance Subcommittee. I know our subcommittee leaders will
work together to hold constructive hearings to examine these important issues.”

Grassley said, “It makes sense to evaluate the subcommittees from time to time and make
sure they’re best configured to help the committee advance good policy. Further
highlighting issues such as energy, infrastructure, and pensions reflects what have been and
continue to be high priorities for what I call the ‘quality of life committee’ because of our
focus on bread-and-butter issues.”

The slate of Senators assigned to each subcommittee for the 110th Congress follows here.

Subcommittee on Health Care

Senator John Rockefeller, Chairman Senator
Orrin Hatch, Ranking Member
Senator John Kerry
Senator Chuck Grassley
Senator Jeff Bingaman
Senator Olympia Snowe
Senator Blanche Lincoln
Senator Jon Kyl
Senator Ron Wyden
Senator Craig Thomas
Senator Debbie Stabenow
Senator Pat Roberts
Senator Maria Cantwell
Senator Jim Bunning
Senator Ken Salazar

Subcommittee on Taxation, IRS Oversight, and Long-Term Growth

Senator Kent Conrad, Chairman
Senator Jon Kyl, Ranking Member
Senator Max Baucus
Senator Trent Lott
Senator Ron Wyden
Senator Pat Roberts
Senator Maria Cantwell
Senator Olympia Snowe
Senator Charles Schumer
Senator Mike Crapo
Senator Debbie Stabenow
Senator Orrin Hatch
Senator Ken Salazar

Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources, and Infrastructure

Senator Jeff Bingaman, Chairman
Senator Craig Thomas, Ranking Member
Senator Kent Conrad
Senator Gordon Smith
Senator John Kerry
Senator Orrin Hatch
Senator Blanche Lincoln
Senator Jim Bunning
Senator Ron Wyden
Senator Trent Lott
Senator Maria Cantwell
Senator Mike Crapo
Senator Ken Salazar

Subcommittee on Social Security, Pensions, and Family Policy

Senator John Kerry, Chairman
Senator Jim Bunning, Ranking Member
Senator John Rockefeller
Senator Trent Lott
Senator Kent Conrad
Senator Jon Kyl
Senator Charles Schumer

Subcommittee on International Trade and Global Competitiveness

Senator Blanche Lincoln
Senator Gordon Smith, Ranking Member
Senator Max Baucus
Senator Mike Crapo
Senator John Rockefeller
Senator Olympia Snowe
Senator Jeff Bingaman
Senator Craig Thomas
Senator Charles Schumer
Senator Pat Roberts
Senator Debbie Stabenow

The Chairman and Ranking Member will be ex officio members of all subcommittees.
